About the blog:

As a course participant of " University of Oregon-AEI's Building Teaching Skills Through The Interactive Web - Fall 2014" program, I take great pleasure in creating and updating this blog. In the Webskills Homepage, my reflections on what I learned each week and how I intend to implement my learning in my work as a teacher will be the main area of focus. In the India: My Homeland Page, I would like to share with you some anecdotes from my life, stories regarding my students, the schooling system in my country and a few snippets about India. Thank you for visiting. Please, do leave your valuable comments.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Discovering Delicious! – Week 3, Post 1

Did Columbus feel as happy as me when he discovered America?

This week’s biggest discovery for me has surely been Delicious. I never knew there existed something called a “social bookmarking system”. This will make my life so much easier. I now feel bad about the fact that I have lost so many good links over time, which could have been safely kept had I known about Delicious earlier.

I have shared Delicious already with my family members and some friends. I have got thank you notes by the dozen. Thank you Delicious!

Delicious lets us keep all our important links categorized under tags, something which I found really helpful. I can also mark certain sites “private” if I want to. Sharing my links and getting links from others has become so easy. Also, I can add comments about each link so that later I can understand what is there in the site. I have added those links to my Delicious page which I found useful and have tagged them under categories. I have put a comment for each site to make it easy for me to understand what it contains. My toolbar now has the “add to Delicious” tab. After visiting a site, if I decide to keep it, I can click on the tab and add the page to my Delicious account. No need to go to the Delicious page itself. Also, I added the Delicious Pages of Courtney, Deborah and Zulyar. One can also follow others on delicious. Interesting!

Delicious is delightful!

Image Courtesy: http://www.flashcoo.com/cartoon/Thanksgiving_food_fusion/wallpapers/1920x1200/PSD_Food_illustrations_3194_chocolate_dessert_and_cereal_breakfast.jpg

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