About the blog:

As a course participant of " University of Oregon-AEI's Building Teaching Skills Through The Interactive Web - Fall 2014" program, I take great pleasure in creating and updating this blog. In the Webskills Homepage, my reflections on what I learned each week and how I intend to implement my learning in my work as a teacher will be the main area of focus. In the India: My Homeland Page, I would like to share with you some anecdotes from my life, stories regarding my students, the schooling system in my country and a few snippets about India. Thank you for visiting. Please, do leave your valuable comments.

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Wonderful Webskills Journey – Week 10 - The last post!

A Journey to Remember:

It has been 10 amazing weeks! I will cherish this journey always as this has been the most wonderful learning experience!

When I started this journey I never imagined I’d learn such a lot in so short a time. I made so many new friends along the way. It is YOU, my friends who made this journey so enjoyable. Sharing ideas, suggestions, advice, and a lot more, made this journey worthy of remembrance. We all did a fantastic job, I believe! So……

New Learning, New Discoveries:

When I think back at what I learned and experienced through these 10 weeks, this is what comes to my mind-

Week 1 was full of new discoveries! Being introduced to so many new teachers from around the world, knowing about their teaching environment and most of all, getting to know about them, was a new experience altogether. It seemed our course was a melting pot of different cultures.

Then the ground rules were set and everybody agreed to collaborate. Using Nicenet as a discussion forum was something that I learned first-hand. Then, I had the most amazing experience creating my first Blog.   

Week 2 brought new ideas in Web Searching and how it could be effectively used to enhance the learning experience. I came to know about ABCD objectives and started to experiment with them. I got the hang of it and was soon using it all the time.

Week 3 introduced me to an amazing tool – Delicious – it made life easier by helping me organize all the new websites and webpages I was visiting. Now nothing will be lost or forgotten, Yipee!

How Oral/Aural skills can be built with the help of technology was discussed and this brought me to my next discovery – Vocaroo – a tool which I am a big fan of. We were also asked to Read a Project this week in preparation for our own projects that we had to submit by the end of the course.

Week 4 put forward new ways in which Reading, Writing and Vocabulary skills can be built. I got to know about Multi-Skill Websites which had a plethora of resources.  

Making my first Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan on Google Doc was an absolutely thrilling experience.

Week 5 was extremely enriching as we discussed two very important topics. The first was, getting to know about WebQuest as a way to apply Project – Based Learning. The second topic was Alternative Assessment and Rubrics. Both topics were means to promote Autonomous Learning, something that I as a teacher would like to achieve.

Creating my first Rubric with Rubistar and designing my first WebQuest with Zunal were highly satisfying experiences. This week with Courtney’s help I found the solution to my class issue.

Week 6 brought a topic which was very relevant to my class situation – Engaging students in large classes. The discussion helped me to find ways to make my classes more interactive.

I learnt about Interactive PPT and created one. I think I did a good job of it.

This was also the week that I started to implement the change, my Grade 9 started their WebQuest. My students were happy!

Week 7 was about finding ways to enhance learner autonomy by making the most of the one-computer classroom and using mobile devices. I planned an activity keeping the one-computer classroom reality of my teaching scenario in mind.

Discovering Padlet was another fun experience. This is such a handy tool. I am surely going to utilize it to the fullest.

Meanwhile, my students kept working on the WeQuest and the classes became so much more interesting and exciting! 

I had to find a partner this week, and I found two wonderful partners in Gordana and Zulyar. I was really lucky!

Week 8 discussion - Online Tools to Enhance Learning – broadened my perspective regarding using technology tools/exercises in the classroom. I created and shared a few online resources which I will be able to use regularly with my students.

Guest Moderator, Jeff Magoto, joined us and I got to know about ANVILL and MOOC. Playing the Trace Effects game was fun!

The Draft Report was submitted by me this week. Reviewing our partners Projects and providing feedback based on the checklist was the next task. I enjoyed the whole process very much.

Week 9 brought the topic – Learning Styles and Technology Connections – to the forefront. How to effectively address multiple intelligences and various learning styles with different technology tools was discussed in detail. Guest Moderator, Russell Moon, enriched the discussion with his suggestions and advice. Getting to discover my own learning style was exciting!

The big task of the week was submitting our Final Project Reports. My partners, Gordana and Zulyar’s, fantastic suggestions and encouraging feedback helped me in getting the work done. A big thanks to them!

Week 10 was here. Unbelievable! How time flies!

Sharing a few suggestions with the future participants of this course was how I started the week. I passed on ideas that had helped me and realizations that would have helped me had I known them prior to this course.

Evaluating the use of technology in my class helped me ascertain the level of Technology Integration. Determining the level of technology integration gave a clearer picture of how my classes had changed for the better, through these 10 weeks. Now I know where I stand, and where I want to be next.

My heartfelt thanks to all my colleagues. Your encouragement and kind words kept me going.

The course designers deserve my gratitude. You all have done a great job! Hats off to you!

Courtney, THANK YOU, so much! You were the perfect teacher! Your brilliant feedback and constant support were the biggest motivators. Every time I was confused or lost, you showed the right way. As Gordana said, you have been the ideal role model!

Courtney, do thank Deborah Healey on my behalf. I will keep on using so many of her created resources.

My BEST WISHES to everyone I got to know through this course! I hope we all keep in touch and share our experiences in implementing whatever we learnt. Bye!

Image Courtesy:

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